Creative session with Oksana and Vista's Children and Young People

15 Feb 2022

At today’s morning session we got creative and had a move! It was great to see a mixture of ages at today’s session! We started the session by saying hello to everyone and seeing how everyone was feeling! As it was early, we all needed to wake up and get moving so we all had a dance! Oksana explained to us that we were going to be making a "mini me". We spoke about how we could use our "mini me’s" as a place to talk about out feelings and if we have any worries. Oksana guided us through creating our "mini me’s", we used newspaper and masking tape to do this! Everyone did an amazing job and they all looked incredible! We then decided our "mini me’s" needed some clothes and hair! Some of Vista's Children and Young People stuck faces onto theirs too!

The next part of the session was ran by one of our young people! This young person guided us through mixing the primary colours to create new colours. It was amazing to see this young person effectively and confidently role model how to master this skill. She successfully demonstrated this through creating a rainbow! This created a brilliant backdrop for our "mini me's".

We finished the session off by having a dance to some of Children and Young People's favourite songs!

To find out more about Vista's Children and Young People sessions, please contact Rebecca, our Children and Young People’s Activities Officer at [email protected] or on 07719 970567.