Vista's Children and Young People enjoy messy play session!

16 Feb 2022

Today we enjoyed a messy play session! These sessions are great because any age and ability child could come along to this session. We played with blue spaghetti, edible sand, ice, and we painted flowers with our hands. Everyone was engaged and involved during this session. We explored different textures and smells whilst having fun!

One parent said “Thank you Vista! We had an amazing morning! We really do appreciate all that you do for us, its lovely to see the children so involved and able to join in with the sessions”

Another parent said, “Thanks for organising Vista. Wonderful as always”.

Another parent said, “Thank you so much for today, really welcoming and great for my child”. To find out more, please contact Rebecca, our Children and Young People’s Activities Officer at [email protected] or on 07719 970567.