Vista's Children and Young People ran a session with Little City
28 Jul 2022
Today we ran a session with Little City. This was a great session were our children explored and used their imagination in different role play areas. This miniature city had lots of areas to play in including a beach, a campfire, a hairdressers, and a vets! It was great to see our children immersed in this activity and their creativity running wild. Lots of the children who participated in this activity were able to create different scenarios together. It was great to observe the children learn complex skills like negotiation, bargaining, judgment, valuing opinions and ideas of others, making plans, and putting them to practice.
We also had a peer mentor at this activity to support us and the young children, they said “I enjoy peer mentoring as I get to help out people like I’ve been helped. Working with children is really sweet and fun.”
One family said “We loved the Little City they did not want to leave! It was so lovely seeing them wrapped up in a world of imagination.”
Another parent/carer said, “Thank you we have enjoyed little city so much!”
If you would like any more information on our activities, please get in touch with Rebecca, our Children and Young People’s Activities Officer at [email protected] or on 07719 970567.